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  • Responding to issues Reporting to social media sites

    Support your child to know how and when to report to a social media site

  • Responding to issues Why do people sexually abuse children?

    Understanding why people abuse can help us work out the best ways to protect children. Dr Elly Hanson, clinical psychologist and advisor to CEOP, outlines some of the factors involved.

  • Responding to issues Why don't children tell their parents about sexual abuse?

    Many children who are sexually abused don't tell anyone at the time and there are many potential reasons why. Understanding these reasons can help you support your child if you find out they’ve been abused.

  • Responding to issues What is sexual grooming?

    Grooming is a process offenders use to abuse and exploit children. It can happen online and in person. Learning more about grooming can help you spots signs and know what to do if you have concerns.

  • Advice What is sexual abuse?

    Sexual abuse can happen to anyone under 18 and is never a child's fault.

  • Responding to issues Sexual abuse: why boys are less likely to ask for help

    Many children who are sexually abused don’t ask for help or tell anyone. Find out more about why boys are less likely to speak out, and what you can do to help them.