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  • Advice Using placement plans to keep children safe online

    If you're a foster carer or social worker make sure you consider online safety before, during and after any placement.

  • Advice Watch Jessie & Friends (BSL)

    This series of three BSL-interpreted animations aims to give 4-7 year olds knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online.

  • Advice Watch Jessie & Friends (subtitled)

    This series of three subtitled animations aims to give 4-7 year olds knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online.

  • Advice Watching videos online: what parents and carers need to know

    Children love watching videos online. In this article we look at how to talk to your child about inappropriate content and keeping safe when watching videos.

  • Advice What is the Dark Web?

    The internet has changed in many ways since it first became publicly accessible. One of the most controversial developments is the growth of the so-called dark web. Understand what the dark web is, why people use it, and what to do if your child is using it.

  • Advice What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

    Our daily lives have become more connected than ever before. Internet-enabled devices can be found everywhere, from smart speakers to Bluetooth toothbrushes. Find out more about how to support your family to be safer using the Internet of Things...