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  • Advice Having a conversation with your child

    Starting a conversation with your child about a sensitive issue or something you don’t usually talk about isn’t always easy, especially if this means you will be talking about things they prefer to keep private, but there are ways to make having these conversations with your child easier.

  • Advice I’m worried my child might see something inappropriate online

    There's no watershed, 'top shelf' or ID required online but that doesn't mean you can't protect your child from adult content. Find out how to help them navigate the web safely.

  • Advice In-game chat

    We've teamed up with Ukie (The Association for UK Interactive Entertainment) to give you advice about online games and chat. While playing games online is often great fun, it's important you understand why your children will chat online, what risks there are and what measures you can take to protect them while they’re playing their favourite games.

  • Advice Is your child ready for social media?

    Children love to socialise and as they get older, they will want to stay in touch with their friends online. In this article, we look at how you can help them make those first steps into social media a positive experience.

  • Advice Keeping your under 5 safe online

    Whether it’s watching videos, playing games on their devices or talking to Alexa – today’s under 5s are spending more time online. In this article we look at the benefits of children accessing the internet, and share advice about how to make sure your child has a safe experience online.

  • Advice Online blackmail

    Advice on talking to your child about online blackmail, ways you can support them and access help if they need it.