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This accessibility statement applies to

This website is part of the CEOP Education programme and run by the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Education team (NCA-CEOP).

We have developed this website to make sure it is usable by everyone, whatever their ability or disability.

You can get the best out of our website by updating your internet browser to the latest version.

AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.


How accessible is this website

We have built this website to be accessible with common assistive technologies and different ways of using websites.

This means:

  • You can move around and use most of the website without a mouse, by using a keyboard or assistive technology such as speech recognition or a screen reader
  • You can increase the font size or zoom in on content
  • You can change the colours or the fonts

We have also used plain English principles to make our content clear and easy to understand.


Non accessible content

We have tried to make sure this website is accessible, but there are some known limitations.

The following are some potential problems we are working to improve:

  • embedded video and audio players can sometimes be difficult to use with assistive technology
  • not all our older videos have captions and/or transcripts
  • not all our videos have audio descriptions


Feedback and contact information

We welcome your feedback on using this website.

If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, contact:

If there is any content that you cannot access and you need in a different format, then please contact us and we will provide you with an accessible alternative.


Technical information

This statement was prepared on 7 June 2022 when this website was launched.

Our website was developed to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1 Level AA.


What we are doing to improve accessibility

This website will be regularly reviewed with manual audits and by scans with an automated testing tool by our website provider.

 We will work to correct any non-compliances as soon as possible.